Pimp Up My Chu Lips


Hello.. good morning.. amboi.. semenjak dua menjak ni.. kemain ko speaking... hahahaa.. sesekali mari kita tajamkan lagi skill berbahasa Inggeris kita kan.. aler.. bukan selalu.. hihihi..

So, today I'd like to introduce to all of you a HOT stuff originally from Japan, then come to Malaysia known as Chulips. Ever heard about Chu Lip?

Thanks to Tammy Lim for the opportunity and not only me, but about 50 butterflies are invited to a fun workshop by Chu Lip and Butterfly Project Malaysia.

Located in KARE Cafe, One Utama, it's my first ever meeting with other butterflies.

So, what is Chu Lip?

Chu Lips is a cute lip balm originally from Japan. 'In Japanese, 'Chu' means 'Kiss' and Lip is a Lip. So, combining both word, Chu Lip = 'Kiss Lip' created a cute dome shaped lip balm. ^_^ Is it cute.. ^_^




ready to Pimp Your Chu Lip?

Pimp up...

decorated Chu Lip.. is it cute!

Pink and Red Chu Lip

Green and Purple Chu Lip

Chu Lip comes with 4 colors and each color represent their own signature :

1. Paris, Perfect Memoris (Pink) - sweet berry scent with raspberry and peach flavour.
2. Arabian, Floral Shower (Purple) - elegant flower scent of rose, germanium and clove.
3. Nordic, Fancy Nostalgia (Green) - refreshing scent of orange, mango and lime
4. NY, Brilliant My Way (Red) - powerful fruity scent of apple, tea rose and ginger.

What are we doing with those cute Chu Lip? 

We decorate them in a unique style and make this lip balm being more meaningful. Get ready with the scissor, glue, marker and cute accesories and you'll be suprised on the outcome!

Get ready to Pimp up My Chu Lip?

cute stuff for decorating

choose your own color

cute accesories

cute accesories

what I get for myself

when other start their decorating, we start to wefie.. ^_^

Focus Najlaa.. ^_^

Puteri in action..

thinking on decoration?

Hey.. you can participate too and win a GRAND PRIZE of iPad Mini 3 or ONE of the Chu Lip set.. How?

1. Decorate your Chu Lip lip balm creatively
2. Take picture of your artwork and upload to : http://www.chulip.com.my/pimpmychulip
3. Register and don't forget a cute caption for your personalized Chu Lip
4. DONE!

Hurry up!! Get creative as the competition end 31st March 2015.

Do, visit http://www.chulip.com.my for more information.

So, during the workshop, I'd finish my artwork.. hihihi.. wanna see it? Do scroll down...






tadaaaa.... am I cute?

zoom in please

with my partner

and more other creative Chu Lip

spot me?

And on time break, we're having our hi tea with heavy food. Wahh... super hungry and I finish about 5 spoon of spaghetti.. hahahahah...

1st round

still on 1st round

2nd round.. 

Okey.. no picture for other round.. hahahhaa.. shame on you.. kikikiii... so, be creative now.. you have only a few days to get creative and win an iPad Mini 3.. yeayyy...

till then, tatababai

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